Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's 12/31 - 1/1

We drove up to Kirkwood on the morning of New Year's Eve. Since the last time we were up two weeks ago several more storms had come through. Since Christmas alone there's been another four feet, and Kirkwood reports 340 inches so far this season, almost entirely in the last 40 days. There's more snow on the ground than I've seen in any of the past 3 seasons.

88 East to Kirkwood 12/31/2010 from Kyle on Vimeo.

Lauren and I skied with Owen on Friday, New Year's Eve. The previous day was a powder day, so the snow was quite good and there were still fresh tracks to be had with a little bit of a hike. Despite having a fairly bad cold, Owen convinced me to hike far out in the Palisades. As usual though, it was totally worth it.

Looking back on Kirkwood.
That night we stayed in a cabin off the grid, a half mile snowshoe in from the road across from Kirkwood. I got to try out my skins, which worked well but are a little slower less manouverable than snowshoes.

Ready for the hike in.

Approaching the cabin, alongside the lake.
Snow up to the second story of the cabin.
Owen snowboarded off the roof the night we got there.
The wood-burning stove actually did heat up the place a bit.

Lauren, fully bundled.

I wasn't the happiest camper the next morning...
It had snowed another 6 inches or so by New Year's morning, making for a solid powder day. I woke up pretty sick after a cold night in the cabin, but after some drugs and food, I managed to suck it up and ski some powder.

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable blog post kyle¡!¡! Let's go skiing again soon 'cause I got some skiiiiis!!!!
