Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bottomless powder 2/16-18

The return to snow in Tahoe fulfilled everyone's wildest dreams, with approximately 12 feet of snow recorded at Kirkwood from Tuesday to Saturday.

After 6 powderless weeks Lauren and I were eager to get after it, so we headed up Tuesday night, planning to ski Wednesday to Friday. The snow started late Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning there was already a good foot plus on the ground in Meyers.

Wednesday morning.

We headed to Heavenly with Drew and Jason. On the third run I came up on a cat track too fast and tried to check my speed by leaning back (bad decision). I ended up landing hard on my tails on the flat and banging my shins and calves around in my boots. I spent the rest of the day icing them in the lodge, which gave me plenty of time to do a light edit of the helmet cam footage from the little bit of skiing that happened:

I ended up taking the next day off, but was able to ski a good part of the day Friday, taking it pretty easy on my shins.

Friday morning.
Chair 10 open Friday at Kirkwood: 8 feet new snow up top.
I got a couple good clips Friday, but I'll save those for another time. Perhaps next week when my legs will be fully recovered and ready for the next big storm.

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