Saturday, June 18, 2011

March Recap and Skiing in June

Well, the blog sort of trailed off in March. This was mainly because my shin injury, courtesy of a Heavenly cat track and my own Powder-mania, ended up being much longer lasting than I thought it would be. I was able to ski some, but I had to take it much easier than normal. So that ended up putting a damper on the skiing for much of March.

Still, we did get some good days in. March was an epic storm month, capping off a record-breaking season. I took a few pictures at the end of March, trying to capture just how much snow there was up at Kirkwood.

Patrol had to dig out under chair 10.
The same location in November versus March.

Here's some footage I posted in mid-March on vimeo but never blogged:

I think I have some more good footage from late March, but I think I'll save it to play with in the Fall when I'm getting excited for next season.

Finally, after not skiing in April or May at all, I got to do one last day on snow for the season, hiking Pyramid Peak on June 4. It was drizzling rain and bare at the start, a wet snowstorm at the top, and the skiing was admittedly less than spectacular. Still: skiing in June! I thought it was worth recording:

I think I ended up around 25 days for the season (not counting days like 3 runs at Heavenly, but counting backcountry days). Right around what I did the last two seasons. Hopefully I'll up that next season and also be able to get into the backcountry a little more.

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