Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kirkwood Opening 11/24

This year, Tahoe was blessed with the biggest November snowstorm since 2004. Kirkwood recorded 128" of snow over the four day period from November 19 - 22. It was enough to cover the entire mountain in a decent base and gave us the November opening we've been missing for the past three years. We made it up for opening day on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Driving up after the storm.

Approaching Silver Lake.

First tracks of the season at the top of Chair 6.

I got a chance to test out my Armadas in their natural habitat - Powder. They're going to take a little getting used to. The rocker in the tails means you can't lean back too far without wiping out, as I learned:

Now, It's not usually the best idea to use a brand new pair of skis on the first day of the season - cover is thin and there are plenty of rocks lurking just below the surface. But with all the snow I figured cover would be better than normal for opening day. Still, despite being extra careful, I still managed to put some big scratches and a few core shots in them, all before lunch.

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