Sunday, November 28, 2010

Powder Day 11/28

The Kirkwood ridge.
 It is crazy how good this early season has been for snow compared to the previous few years. The mountain is already filled in pretty well, whereas two years ago (and last year) there was barely any coverage going into late December. This also shows you just how many rocks get completely covered over the course of the season.

After a brief return to the Bay area for Thanksgiving after Kirkwood's opening day, we turned right around and came back up to Tahoe for a weekend in South Lake and a day of skiing on Sunday. We stayed at an awesome house and I did some snowshoeing (and football) on Saturday with Cathleen and Jesse.

It snowed all day Saturday in South Lake, adding nearly a foot of new snow to the few feet already on the ground there.

We met up with Owen at Kirkwood. Despite there being only a little over a foot of fresh snow (versus 10+ feet four days before) it was much lighter and just generally way better. Good times had by all! Also, two new core shots, this time in my old skis. So, it's either still pretty rocky or I just have less and less regard for my skis' well being.

Me, taken from Owen's iPhone.
Traversing out in Palisades.

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