Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mammoth Trip 11/17-18

When Lauren got back from Geneva, on November 15, we took a preseason ski trip to Mammoth. Mammoth was the only ski area open within a "reasonable" driving distance (besides Boreal, but 200 vertical feet doesn't really count). On the drive, we stopped by a hidden hot springs in Bridgeport, CA, with an excellent view of the Eastern Sierra:

We skied November 17 and 18. I've been impatient to go skiing again since basically July, so any snow would have been enough. Considering Mammoth was only open for a week at the time, it was pretty amazing that they had enough natural snow to cover the upper half of the mountain. The lower mountain was mostly man-made, but skied pretty well. I rocked the park a LOT. 

... and Lauren is working on skiing in a more interesting direction on the groomers. You have to learn to ski switch in order to do a switch 360, after all.

Lauren Learning to Ski Switch from Kyle on Vimeo.

I tested my new skis for a few runs. They actually did better on the groomers than my old skis, thanks to new sharp edges.
On the drive home, we went over Monitor Pass (highway 89) and saw an amazing sunset. It looked a little like this: 

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